Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hunger Games blog out

One thing that made me happy in this book is that Katniss and the little girl Rue are allies. I thought that it gave them a better chance to win the games. During their alliance Katniss and Rue were planning to destroy the careers food supply which I think is a good idea. For me if I was Katniss I would have sent a flaming arrow at the food but then she said what of the arrow burns itself out and that shot down that idea. The last thing that has surprised me this week is that some boy form the careers put a spear through Rue and it killed her that is something that made me very sad.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hunger Games

In the Hunger Games Katniss was in the woods and came up to Peeta and heard some of his allies that they were trying to hunt her down and kill her. I can't believe what he is doing but I do think that he is planning to double cross them. The game makers sent a wall of fire to snuff out the tributes and get them to meet so the action could resume. In my opinion I think it was cool to get the action going again but I don't think it is cool because some people could have gotten killed. Katniss also hid in a tree while the careers were under her, but she had a plan to drop a Tracker Jacker/ bee nest on them so she could escape. I thought that they were going to get her with that arrow but lucky for her that the person with the arrows is a bad shot. If I have lost any of you on this about what I have talked about in the book let me know.

Friday, October 14, 2011


I think the best strategy for the Hunger Games depends on the field that you are on. If you have a lot of trees you might want to get a good vantage point and cover yourself. If you are in the desert you would want to find water to stay alive. Your strategy also can depend on the weapons you are given like a good weapon in the trees would be a bow and arrow. For the desert a knife might be good so you could cut open a cactus and get water. The last thing that a good strategy can consist of is knowing your enemy. If you are facing someone that is a good hunter you might not want to go in the woods without understanding where a good hiding spot is.