Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wrench and Klink 2

After we defeated Palpatine, he vanished along with Captain Solo, and our next big adventure is about to start.

Somewhere in an unknown galaxy: " Mrs. Chedderworth I think we have our next soldier," A mysterious voice said.

" Where are we?" I asked as I found myself in a little ship with this big fat man standing in front of me. The man told me his name was Mr. Whatsahooset and that he needed me to go get a new experiment he made and to join his cause at Megacorp. " We'll do it I said not consulting my partner Klink. Mr. Whatsahooset gave us a ship and it lead us to this little cruising ship. We got on the ship and found the experiment which was a little blue thing, then a figure looking like Darth Vader came out behind a doorway and grabbed the blue creature. The thief got away from us with the experiment but we did manage to get the coordinates to the next place he was going.

" Going to that place was a pointless waste of time," Klink said as we had only gotten a small gadget and began going back to the ship. We began doing a cat and mouse game for a while until we got the experiment and the directions to a desert planet where Mr.Whatsahooset came and got the experiment which is called the Protopet. As he was landing his ship knowing full well that our ship was there he landed on it and we had to find some desert crystals to get it repaired.

" Do you have the amount of crystals I have requested?" This hippie dude said as we came to him with our pockets overflowing with the crystals. " Ah yes these are the right crystals, now watch as my magic does its work, om, om, om." Then as if by magic my ship was all new and ready to fly.

Our next stop was this facility where it had high security but it also had rewards like new armour and new weapons. We had to fight a huge way to get the next location which was to a place called Blackwater city. As we were on planet Joba though we got to use our new glider and flew up to this place where a computer charged us 20,000 bolts for a transmission to this planet made of ice. " I'm not paying that, this galaxy blows," I said in anger.

" Wrench if you don't pay the money then we won't be able to stop Mr. Whatsahooset from having the Protopet destroy the Megacorp factory," Klink said encouraging me. We flew to the ice planet of Ragnar and managed to get to the Megacorp factory. We battled our way to the door where the Protopet was being held when Klink's little robot girlfriend came to tell us not to do it. Then almost in an instant Mr. Whatsahooset shot the little robot down and revealed himself as ... Captain Solo.

" Ok just what the heck is going on?" I asked completely peeved off. Then Solo hit a switch on this remote and it turned the Protopet into a huge violet creature. We had defeated the ugly gigantic Protopet when I had heard a noise come from a supply closet.  I opened the door and found the real Mr. Whatsahooset and he took one look at the remote and knew that the batteries were in backwards.

Then we had forgotten Solo and we saw him sitting on Klink. (Muffled) "Get off of me Lardo I am not a chair. Once we had finally gotten him off of Klink we got back to our ship and went to our condo in Metropolis.

We finished off the Protopet and our adventure was about to make an " EXCITING" turn.


  1. Wow. That is a very complicated story. How long did it take you to write this?

  2. Very Jumbeled up but good job.

  3. Indeed, you've got a complicated story here, Avery. But it's awesome...I'm so lovin'that you chose to continue the series.

  4. I won't pretend that I understood everything that happened there but I absolutely appreciated your writing! I can tell you have read many books written with that kind of action. I really enjoyed the humor you snuck in between the action! Thanks for posting your work!

  5. @ Mrs. Wolford you may not have gotten the whole story because you read the 2nd part and not the first part the first time.
