Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Split and Then the Glue

    On January second two-thousand and twelve here is what I woke up to. “Hey bud, I have something to tell you” says my dad. “What” I said (half asleep). “I am moving out and I want you to know that it is not because of you or your siblings.”
    I woke up, grabbed a pillow off of my brown couch, and went outside saw the dark blue sky and screamed my head off, because that had never happened to me before. After that meltdown I went back inside and my mom said to my dad “did you tell him what happened?” “No I did not give the whole story” my father said. Then my mom said “you should tell him because he has a right to know". Dad told me that he was cheating on my mom and that he was going to move in with her, and after I heard that it felt like my eyes were carrying weights because I was about to cry. After all of that chaos my sister who had gone through the same thing told me that it is going to be ok and that it was going to get better.
    After my dad had left I asked my mom what we are going to do next. She said that we are going to have to move because she had two failed marriages in this house and that there was nothing tying her to this house anymore. "Where are we going to move to?" I asked. "Probably up in Boone, NC or in Columbia, South Carolina with my brother" said my mom.
    On the third of January I was so upset at what had happened that I had to stay home from school and just cry it all out. I had thought that it all was just a bad dream but I knew it was not because that day I saw that my dad was gone and all of his stuff was out of the house.
    Then on January fourth, came along and I went to school. People all day were making fun at me and making me mad and then I told them what I was going through and they helped me through the day. After I had gotten off of the bus I talked to my neighbor Eddie who had also gone through the same terrible situation a few years back. He told me that it will hurt for a while and that I will be mad at my dad but some day I will have to forgive him.
    Then as I was doing my homework my mom had woken up from her nap and asked my sister if she had told me the news. "No" I said very confused. Then my mom told me the best six words I had heard all week, mommy and daddy worked it out. After I had heard that I dragged a smile just so I could savor the moment. I asked three questions which were "how did you work it out?" "The next question was why did things change?" My final question was "this is not a joke right?" "No" my mom said because that would be a cruel trick to play on somebody. "Yeah that would" said my sister. Ok I thought I still get to see my dad often and I won't have to move.